-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, this blog is Janika, ongoing continuation at blogs Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

where is Pinky now

Okie doke, finally got money super fail (thank you, bank absorbing my bank!) all settled out, things are actually more awesome now. Severely trimmed what is now being called waste (was once called my hobby) and diverting it to pumping up years of host storage (nearly ten thousand files) so I don't lose what's left of my stuff. Pinky dotcom is good up to September. After that, I cut it off.

Meanwhile, we have influenza A in my house. I got the shot and don't appear to be having any symptoms yet, we'll see how that all rolls out. I'm definitely exposed. I'm also in better health that I have been, so hopefully it'll be mild if symptoms do show up.

Seeing neurologist today. Don't know how interesting the discussion will be. A dive into neuropathy searches one day sifted out a few delightful pages very thoroughly summarizing all the diabetic neuropathies (how about that, I fit into all the categories, yay, I win!), so no idea if that is what's reverbing the stenosis and all its own fibro nuances. Pretty sure I'll be getting a cortisone shot in my shoulder at some point this year, but that's a different doctor.

Yes, I kinda 'left' twitter. My accounts are sitting around now. I should probably download them since they're like archives now, my internet history. Kinda like facebook, which I'm still going to be closing down. G+ will be over next month. They're not even waiting till April. I keep running into people letting linkedin go, which I've been thinking about myself, probably do that soon.

I'm still here. And I obviously set off all kinds of political triggers in my old gangs, so I'm not disturbing them. I'm running with a new crowd now, and I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm on the cutting edge of transparency with information. I always was, wasn't I? When I first organically grew my twitter and my web presence, I had a lot of hop-ons and coattailers. I had proof that other lists grew from my own lists, and that other people copied my entire following list. I had proof that my organic growth doubled and even tripled other people's growth. I was really good at web presence, as demo'd a few times in my stats assessment blog posts.

I'm done with that. I'm watching the world burn, and I cannot in all good conscience hang out with people ignoring that. No offense, nothing personal, but that very deeply conflicts me. I cannot watch pretend vampires and murders when so much real material is coming out about very real worldwide murder networks. Truth is very much stranger and way more interesting than fiction. I'm so burned out on fiction. It's mesmerizing, it's like the flickering flames of a campfire, everyone huddled around their TVs while dissing political conspiracies on twitter. I have never run into ANYONE in the TV gangs who ever did as much deep research as I did, and then actually literally stood up and took hits for publicly sharing it.

Welp, the gang I'm in now is like me. They dive deeper, share louder, stand firm together like nothing I've ever seen, and we are solid. We don't play around with the click bait, it's not a game, and we want the murders to stop. We want the violence to stop. We want the lies and deceit and tyranny to stop.

And I shared my little heart out all this last year. If anyone out there wants to know where Pinky is now, just follow the breadcrumbs I left. The scary dark is very real, and it takes guts to go down that rabbit hole. Rotten stuff will explode your brain. Fiction will look like month old stale soda pop someone left on a counter. You'll never go back to that crap.