-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, this blog is Janika, ongoing continuation at blogs Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, February 17, 2019

all your base are belong to us

See, that's the kind of stuff I'm avoiding. It's real out there, guys.

That's also the message getting thru inside my brain. I'm hiding in bed again hoping this really sore throat isn't my own round of influenza A revving up. Kiddo feels fine, she's done. Oh, yeah, the headache says hi, too. Don't wanna leave anyone out.

Yes, I had the shot.

I didn't even think I might be actually getting sick although I spent the entire day feeling glum and out of sync with my family, slogging thru the sinus headache, and dismissing my throat and ears over and over. Finally hit me, burrowed in deep like a bunny under a snowdrift, that I might have the flu coming on.

Years ago I wrote this list of things to consider for when I was so scattered I could barely think because I felt so rotten all the time from flare ups. I haven't needed to fall back on this for a few years, but today I thought of it.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may be sick and not just feeling rough-
  • Crabby and resentful about everything in general, no matter what
  • Sad and weepy about everything in general, no matter what
  • Watching slow onset of anything sinus, ears, glands, headache
  • Digestion is involved in any way, i.e. pain, severe heartburn, intense hunger
  • Pain level spikes anywhere in spine require extra pain management with drugs, heat, or ice
  • Level of mobility, flexibility, or stamina decreases markedly, i.e. klutziness increases
  • Feelings of mean, spiteful, hateful, or anything sarcastically cruel seem funny
  • Sleep amounts sharply decrease over several days
  • Anxiety increases, a need to keep moving drives you out of chairs and bed to keep escaping pain
  • Forgetfulness increases, words during speaking get mixed up more frequently, misunderstanding during others speaking happens more frequently
If ALL these things are happening together, stay focused on needing a doctor appointment.

I really did rely on that list for several years.

So, system hack under way. My throat really hurts to swallow and I keep feeling like I messed the day up somehow for people around me, so I'm slinking off to hide in bed. It's really a germ syndicate because wall fail. Vaccination didn't stop them at the border.

This song has been in my head for the last 24 hours. It's so C.S. Lewis (That Hideous Strength) meets generation X or something.