-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, this blog is Janika, ongoing continuation at blogs Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif



Monday, February 18, 2019


Those all link back to the vid I got them from.

A day can be a good day and still feel really long. Wish I had a hot toddy.

I like stuff like this, too.

The coolest thing about the whole last year was finding out there are many millions of us who recognize we are here for ascension. We're impatient with waiting because we can see what's ahead. We want to wake everyone up on Christmas morning, as it were. We know we're here specifically to be here infiltrating.

Imagine remembering not just one past life, but a bunch of them. I used to wonder why. Because it's Time, that's why.