-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, this blog is Janika, ongoing continuation at blogs Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

double dare


I did say breadcrumbs. Wonder if we ever find out why there was a story about Hansel and Gretel in the first place.

So I did this, right.

And a few days later I did this.

Last night I noticed this happened.

I assumed the usual bot swarms. I was wrong. Those are my other blogs they're hopping back and forth from. How thorough. I've never in Pinky blog history seen so much organic activity on so much of my stuff in so short a time.

So I checked the other blogs and saw similar timestamp stats. This was Surveypalooza. 1:00 a.m., 202 hits.

This was Lexxperience. 1:00 a.m., 694 hits.

This was spaz. 1:00 a.m., 968 hits.

You can come to your own conclusions. You can see how 'coincidental' that traffic is on fairly dead blogs.

So just mentioning Ascension Guide AMG's twitter account on a blog, linked only on my facebook page (NOT G+, twitter, pinterest, or anywhere else) got me reconned. I mean, my regular readers have just never, ever done this. Yes, sometimes I would get maybe a hundred hits after linking all over creation with hashtags, but never have I seen over a thousand uniquely timed on all my blogs like this.

Some of you saw when this started. I've been talking about analytics and stats on Pinky blog since I came back public. It was a game, something to keep me focused on goals. Well, now I've let my blogs go dead and *bam*, someone's interested.

I'm hoping some of you understand the portent of this.

Because I see some of you still going bonkers standing up for your belief systems on social medias in the face of very world changing transparency doing its damnedest to break through the powerthink from the elite 'news' networks, and I'm super facepalm that y'all aren't at least dipping a toe in.

Dare to think.

Dare to think outside your TV boxes. Dare to think about what you are actually watching, actually hearing, actually auto-reflecting back out of your minds.

Dare to doubt.

Dare to wonder why it's so terribly important for the mainstream media to keep hammering into us that life and the world are this certain way and anyone trying to say different is ~bad~.

Dare to see.

What. The. Hell. Is. Right. In. Front. Of. Your. Faces. They mock your religions. They mock your intelligence. They mock your attention spans. They mock your ability to assess your own lives. They mock your pain. They mock your disadvantages. They mock all of us being literal chattel while they live in multimillion dollar mansions and govern the world.

Dare to question.

Why do they want to keep you afraid. Why do they want to keep you dismissive. Why do they want to keep you in the dark watching flickering screens. Why do they want all your money until you  are so broke you'll never be out of debt and your life is a depressing mess. Why are they luxuriating in elite lifestyles while they are deciding our fates...


Then dare to step over the line.

Because they own us. And in the next post I'm going to share the most important thing you ever read in your life.

I'm watching blogs and youtube channels and twitter and facebook accounts literally get shut down trying to share this stuff. The hackers of the world keep trying to share what they find out, and regular people are being told they are dangerous.

For whom?

If an entire nation of people were ever to find out the truth. The truths. The layered convoluted truths woven into so many lies that you no longer have a clue what's even real.


Next post.